Friday, February 5, 2010

Man-Bags In Or Out?....Hmm

Sam:No,Only Sachels:P (Same Thing Dumbass)
Keith:Yes,If Theres Drink in them?:)
Clodagh:Wdf R Man Bags?:P After Explaining she doesn't they're in:P
Jonathan: No Comment.
Sharon: Well I know what she would say,and it would NOT be plesant:S
Other Keith:No.
Donal: Eh not unless your gay!

Celebrities Are Making Them Cool:)
Celebs seen with Man-Bags were:

Usher,Christiano Ronaldo,Kanye West and David Beckham.

I personally J'adore Les Man Bags...Sexy As..:)
Dey Show The Feminine side of men :P Especially Foreign boys I mean The Spanish,French,Italians and Chineese Always have amazing fashion sense and to top it off a beautiful Man Bag/Sachel...Beauty:]

If Irish Lads dressed half as nice iom Telling Yeah they'd get plenty More Women...All They're afraid of is looking ''Gay'' well I'm telling yeah,Gay isthe way.
Its much better than the tracksuits n hoodies they call outfits:P
I mean half the rig-outs look like Bin bags and pyjamas in all honesty
Man-Bags Are The Way,Man-Bags are the future!

It's About time Boys,Men Discovered the wonders of Louis Vuitton,Marc Jacobs etc.

Like Kurt Hummel on Glee played by the Amazing Chris Colfer....(Shown Right)
Style & Looks..:)



Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ugg Bug!

Okay So for Christmas I was all set on getting a brand new pair of Short Classic Rust uggs from ugg Austrailia..
My Mom got them for me in America and I was unbelievably Happy out:D

But it soon turned bad...
I went into town two weeks after Xmas and to my suprise I met about 10 girls minimum with the exact same pair of uggs as myself..Needless to say I was in shock!
Everybody has a pair...There So common that I got more compliments wearing my grey uggs I got in Pennys ..No Lie!
There was a time when nobody in Ireland owned a pair of real uggs and now every Tom,Dick and Harry own a pair:P

Its Offical Though uggs are Never going to go out of fashion, I mean personally I don't mind though cause Ugg Aus. have an amazing collection. If you go to their website you can find all sorts of crazy designs and original pairs of uggs that no one owns:D

Downside to me though is the shocking price :O I mean I was in luck and got mine 4 $100 but over here there around €200-€250 apparantly:S
I've seen some on the website for prices wayyy crazier than that though:P

Oh well Who cares cause' uggs are the sex and if you haven't got a pair then feel free to do soo cause the Ugg Bug is going around...:)
Splash out on yourself....

P.S the real ones are sooo much better than the fakes & worth the extra money:P
Emu Aus do really nice ones too and there a bit cheaper:D

Stuck for Cash Though Pennys do super cute ones for €7:D

J'Adore L'Amour;)



Friday, January 22, 2010


Why They were invented...I Do Not know..
But I do Know they are NOT cool except under a few circumstances..
I mean I can understand them in the workplace fair enough..
but come on school?Theres really no need...I mean who cares if someone arrives in a bin-bag ...As long as I look good and i'm happy with what i'm wearin who gives a sh*t..:P

A friend of mine Keith Kelly (Lover of goats & Nuns) finds uniforms Attractive...
Each One To Them Own Selves...I suppose...
1 out of what 4 billion people on Earth who likes Uniform Fetishes aka Uni-Fesh :)


Chineese Uniforms are the ones to watch,..Harajuku girls really got Super short skirts & Plaid back into fashion with knee-high socks,Tucked in shirts,Super-Bows And Long Cardi's...Super Hott Look I must admit..

Down Side;
Unfortunatly our Principal dosen't seem to see the advantages to wearing short uniform skirts as I am unfortunatly.... well aware of at this stage and to accesesorise with Patterned Tights..(BIG Mistake)...No Wonder i'm one of three people(out of abou 400 girls) in the whole school who wears the skirt:P If She bent the rules the whole school would wear the Skirt and everyone would be Happy:D Especially the boys:P

What Can I Say...I have the legs ojoj

And I Also Reckon If Uniforms are to be worn they must be worn with Heels:D

My Opinion

Bonne Nuit :]