Why They were invented...I Do Not know..
But I do Know they are NOT cool except under a few circumstances..
I mean I can understand them in the workplace fair enough..
but come on school?Theres really no need...I mean who cares if someone arrives in a bin-bag ...As long as I look good and i'm happy with what i'm wearin who gives a sh*t..:P
A friend of mine Keith Kelly (Lover of goats & Nuns) finds uniforms Attractive...
Each One To Them Own Selves...I suppose...
1 out of what 4 billion people on Earth who likes Uniform Fetishes aka Uni-Fesh :)
Chineese Uniforms are the ones to watch,..Harajuku girls really got Super short skirts & Plaid back into fashion with knee-high socks,Tucked in shirts,Super-Bows And Long Cardi's...Super Hott Look I must admit..
Down Side;
Unfortunatly our Principal dosen't seem to see the advantages to wearing short uniform skirts as I am unfortunatly.... well aware of at this stage and to accesesorise with Patterned Tights..(BIG Mistake)...No Wonder i'm one of three people(out of abou 400 girls) in the whole school who wears the skirt:P If She bent the rules the whole school would wear the Skirt and everyone would be Happy:D Especially the boys:P

What Can I Say...I have the legs ojoj
And I Also Reckon If Uniforms are to be worn they must be worn with Heels:D
My Opinion
Bonne Nuit :]
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